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Sterns Bridal Quiz


Sterns Bridal Quiz

Sterns, in collaboration with Techsys Digital, created a beautifully innovative bridal campaign which features a picture quiz at its core. Brides select seven images out of a gallery of twenty four to create a moodboard. Based on the selected images, it is determined what kind of bride the user is - vintage, golden or classic. The user is then able to share their moodboard via email and Facebook to get others to vote for their board. There are spot prizes for the various boards but an auditor will draw the grand prize winner. The gallery page allows users to filter by name and most recent to easily navigate to the moodboard they wish to vote for.

Traffic is being driven to the platform via the homepage banner on the Sterns website, and asks whether they wish to take the quiz or simply vote. Their data is captured prior to them doing either, allowing the brand to collect their data, and them to have a user profile on the platform to log into.

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