
We are proud to announce that we recently launched a new innovation division of our company aptly dubbed Techsys Labs. 

Techsys Labs’ first project was the development of the first free cover photo scheduler in South Africa. 

The tool enables community managers and businesses to schedule cover page updates based on time and date, or the number of Likes or on a looping cycle. 

The user journey involves the users logging into Facebook using Facebook Connect, selecting the trigger which will change the cover page, uploads the image from their computer or chooses one from a Facebook album or using a URL. 

The page scheduler enables users to change their cover page far more frequently, keeping pages looking fresh and superbly managed, and encourages the celebration of occasions like reaching “Like” milestones – exactly when it happens! 

Since the inception of Facebook, Techsys has continually strived to be inventive on the platform and the creation of the new division means that there is more scope for exploration and innovation for Facebook and other digital platforms. 

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